The Registration "Spring Recreational Soccer" is not currently available.
The Spring Rec Program gives all players the opportunity to participate in a Spring-time program that is designed to give each player the chance to play in a fast paced soccer environment. In turn, players in the program will have the opportunity to get lots of touches on the ball and learn the creative and free-thinking aspects of the game. Skill will most definitely improve, as each player will gain experience playing at a fast pace, and further tactical knowledge that will carry them into a higher level of player in the Fall.
The Spring program is for players from K-HS. Divisions will be grouped by age and ability, depending on overall registration numbers. For example, U7 and U8 players might be put in the U8 age group (Age group cut-offs are programmed into the registration system and are determined by birthdate not current age). The program is offered to both boys and girls. Training sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings and Small Sided Game Sessions will be held on Saturdays. Training and Small Sided Game Session times will depend on age group and registration numbers. For Saturday Small Sided Game Sessions players will be divided into teams within their training group and will scrimmage in a small sided format (3v3, 4v4, or 5v5 depending on age and ability).
Spring Rec Soccer 2024
Price $185
8 week program
Tentative Dates:
Training Sessions on Wednesday: 4/10, 4/17, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5
Games on Saturday: 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1,
Practices will be on Wednesday nights run by NRSA travel trainers. Practice times will be subject to registration numbers.
Games - Age groups will be split up into small sided on Saturday mornings and play! This creates an athlete-centered environment where the kids get to enjoy playing the game and making decisions for themselves. No coaching, no yelling from the sidelines, just soccer!
Saturday morning session times are determined by registration numbers within each age group
North Rockland Soccer Association - Nardi Soccerplex.
For each session your child must have:
-NRSA Reversible shirt (same shirt as the Fall program, available for purchase at the Clubhouse during Rec training and game sessions)
-Shin guards
-Size 3 soccer ball U6-U8
-Size 4 soccer ball U9-U12
-Size 5 soccer ball U13+
-Water/Sports drink
The Registration "Spring Recreational Soccer" is not currently available.